Last night, P&G held an experiment combining digital marketing experts with the power of social networks for a cause. The first-time event, called Digital Hack Night, hosted 40 people from Facebook, Google and several agencies to share the hands-on experience of reaching a market digitally through viral means.
Instead of marketing the Tide product, the teams were competing to see who could sell the most vintage T-shirts; proceeds benefited the Loads of Hope program which partners with Feeding America to provide clean clothes to victims of natural disasters.

*image from
Information about the event showed up on popular blogs, on Facebook, and on Twitter with the tags #pgdigital and #tide. In just a few hours sales of the shirts reached $50k and Tide matched $50k, raising $100k before midnight.
Partnering with a cause can be a great strategic move for a company, as both sides reap benefits. P&G has been actively using cause marketing to enhance the value argument it is making for its products in this recession .
Using social media for good is an increasing trend. Coupling this action with a marketing effort just might be the next big thing. If used appropriately, causes may help companies show authenticity to their customers and improve the strength of relationships.
IMC campaigns embrace the power of social media for marketing. By leveraging the power of word of mouth and the instant responsiveness of networks like Twitter, messages can spread quickly and reinforce a brand's image. However, social media must be utilized correctly in order for a campaign to be a success. Not every channel is appropriate for every company, brand, or campaign.
P&G set a great example with this challenge - marketers need to engage with social media to learn best practices to incorporate into future campaigns. The best part about this event was that it was organized by P&G, not an agency or a social media expert. And P&G chose a cause that fit with the Tide brand. By making the effort to learn how social media can best be used for its products, P&G went straight to the best minds in the industry, and emerged with knowledge it can use to market its other products and a successful charity event that will bode well with its consumers. I know I'm more likely to purchase Tide or other P&G products now - how about you?
--Stacy Cohen
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