Ideas are the fuel that drive marketing ROI – great ideas can overcome a challenging market problem or a small budget. Great ideas are exactly why OfficeMax has built a brand that is seen as fun, innovative, and caring about its customers. Did you ever think an office supply store would be the one to create the single most successful viral marketing campaign in history? Do you know anyone that hasn’t Elfed themselves?
OfficeMax’s CMO, Bob Thacker, spoke to our Brand Communication Decisions class and discussed how OfficeMax’s recent campaigns show the power of creativity. By understanding the needs of their consumers and appealing to their hearts, OfficeMax saw great success in its Schooled, Elf Yourself, and Power to the Penny campaigns. Viral marketing can be a solution for small budgets. And if done right, you can benefit from the powers of social media – everyone else will do the marketing for you. Brands can see great returns from creating campaigns that really connect with their consumers. Even in this economy, OfficeMax is continuing to fund it’s a Day Made Better program which make surprise donations of supplies and gifts to teachers across the country.
Thacker told us that advertising is a party crasher and “if you’re going to crash a party, you’d better bring a bottle of wine”. Advertising needs to be memorable and enrich the experience of consumers. It’s no longer about what marketers can sell to consumers – it’s now about how marketers can help consumers.
OfficeMax clearly understands this. Recently the brand revamped its look, products and advertising because of research showing that women are the primary purchasers in the office. By infusing excitement and style into everything from the layout of the store to the website to its catalogs, OfficeMax has moved away from the common perceptions of work space as dull and boring and is off to a great start with its Life is Beautiful, Work can be too campaign.
Thacker’s words are a lesson to all marketers. The recession poses a challenge to marketing and the only way to overcome it is with creativity and a little heart. A bouncing rubberband ball can’t hurt either.
-- Stacy Cohen
i have a whole new appreciation for office max advertising :)
it makes me excited for getting ready for the 09/10 teaching year, haha.
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