Text “Haiti” to 90999 to Donate $10 to The Red Cross. This message proliferated the internet and television within hours of the Jan. 12 catastrophic earthquake in Haiti.
Since then The Red Cross’ text-to-donate campaign collected a staggering $21 million, dwarfing the $4 million total of all charitable ‘text’ drives in 2009. Most notable was the first 48 hours – people gave The Red Cross more money faster than in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, the Asian tsunami, or any disaster to date.
The operation is backed by Mobile Accord’s mGive Foundation, the first company to offer mobile donation services to non-profit organizations back in 2005. Donors’ pledges are added to their cell phone billing statements.
Charitable reaction to the Haiti quake glimpsed the symbiotic IMC process. Americans immediately saw footage of earthquake victims on television, online and in print news, and were driven to help however they could.
Will this tragedy instill confidence on a greater level for mobile charity? For mobile commerce?
We can’t deny its power. Companies are truly mobilizing for the future; take Apple’s recent purchase of mobile ad company Quattro Wireless. The technology exists and millions just adopted it.
Today we move forward, to repair and to improve.
--Susan Monahan
Susan Monahan is a Blogger at Vitamin IMC and a graduate student in the Masters in Integrated Marketing Communications program at Northwestern University's Medill School. She was deeply moved by the global community's quick response to the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. Susan can be reached at susanmonahan2010@u.northwestern.edu.