Coke’s “open happiness” campaign is an ambitious brand building effort. “Open happiness” can be interpreted in many different ways and has the potential to fall flat to fluffy efforts. But with this new viral video, Coke shows us all why it is a top global brand. By simply delivering on its brand promise and understanding how to connect with its target consumers, Coke successfully brings “open happiness” to life.
Not only do the people interacting with the machine get a dose of happiness, but watching the video will undoubtedly bring a smile to the viewer’s face, which most likely will lead to sharing this cool video with others. This is a recipe for viral success -- anyone, anywhere in the world can appreciate the happiness in this video. And that’s truly the mark of an iconic global brand.
What will be interesting to see is if Coke can keep consumers buzzing and if the happiness machine pops up at other college campuses. There’s a great opportunity here for Coke to further engage with this target group. How about creating a contest for college students to select the next secret location for the happiness machine? Or what about extending the life of this idea and integrate it with Expedition 206?
--Stacy Cohen
Stacy Cohen is Co-Founder and Alumni Advisor of Vitamin IMC and recently graduated from the Masters in Integrated Marketing Communications program at Medill. Currently living in Atlanta, Stacy does not miss the winter she left behind in Chicago. She can be reached at